Organization: Swiss Peace Foundation
Registration deadline: 30 Nov 2016
Starting date: 01 Feb 2017
Ending date: 03 Feb 2017
Learn how to make your program more effective in fragile contexts.
Training topic
While peacebuilding programs aim to contribute to relevant change and strengthen transitions out of fragility, they are often challenged on whether they do this strategically enough. Aid workers and peacebuilders are increasingly using theories of change to help organizations address these issues. Creating a detailed and explicit logic of intervention helps to identify gaps in programming, highlight assumptions that need to be tested, and provide a sound base for strategic choices that can increase effectiveness. Despite the widespread emergence of theories of change in strategy and project documents, they are rarely used to their full potential. This training focuses on how ‘good’ theories of change can be created that will help practitioners gain an in-depth understanding of their programs and their impacts.
Program overview course February 2016
Your benefits
- Understand the concepts of theories of change and the basics to work with them
- Build theories of change on different levels (project, program and organizational level) with practical exercises
- Get insights on different uses of theories of change for design, monitoring and evaluation
- Develop ideas on using theories of change as a tool to foster organizational learning and grapple with complexity
How to register:
Register online: